How to Shop anything on Amazon and get it shipped to Kenya? - Daily Kenya

How to Shop anything on Amazon and get it shipped to Kenya?

 Plenty of people have heard of the name Amazon. Maybe due to its popular owner, Jeff  

Bezos. However one question still remains, is it possible to buy something from and have it shipped to Kenya?  Yes, indeed it is possible.

There is, in fact, a much efficient manner by which you can ship anything you buy to Kenya and in fact, it takes less than two weeks.

Shopping On Amazon

Amazon is a leading retail online store in the world. In fact, Amazon revolutionized the way people shop online. It is possible to live outside America and still get to shop for what you want and have it delivered.

It is due to this that many brands as well as multiple vendors have their products listed on Amazon. These Amazon Sellers list products which are inspected and then shipped to multiple fulfillment centers (warehouses) where they sign a warranty of agreement. All this means that

every product will be of high quality and you will not get something different from what was 

listed online.

The majority of Kenyans who end up shopping for products on cite that they found the products not locally available and if locally available, they are quite expensive. Most also say that they are assured of quality when shopping from Amazon as they can file for returns.

Shipping from Amazon to Kenya

Amazon is able to detect your device location automatically when on the site so there is no need of using an entering your location address.  Here are steps on how to shop and ship in Kenya: 

1. First, type in

2. Second, navigate the site while adding different products you may need to your shopping cart. 

You will notice that there are different departments so if you are looking for computers just head over to the electronics department and select Televisions where you will see a number of televisions whether smart, digital, analog, and different specifications. Alternatively, you can use the search feature to get to where the product you are looking for if you have the particular name and specifications.

3. Third, be sure to look for offers and other available vendors who are listing the same product at different prices. 

4. Fourth, once you have added everything you need to your cart, follow the on-screen prompts to check out. Kindly note that you will be required to create an account if you don't already have one which will make it easy to track your orders. Be sure to enter the correct information details about you.

5. Fifth, once you have filled in your information, you will be required to confirm your shipping, make payment using a Visa card (debit/credit). Amazon is able to calculate when your product or goods will arrive and you will have an opportunity to track it.

Kindly note that Amazon uses DHL to ship products to Africa, specifically Kenya. This assures you that no tampering or damage will befall your goods. You will not also be required to pay any import duty as you paid for it in the added shipping fees.

Simple right, why don't you try shopping on Amazon and share the experience with us.

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