M-PESA Updated charges for 2023 | Safaricom Transaction Chart - Daily Kenya

M-PESA Updated charges for 2023 | Safaricom Transaction Chart

M-Pesa logo [Courtesy]


Safaricom is a leading telecommunication giant in Kenya having a large share of the market in Kenya. It currently has a 64% share of Kenya's mobile market customers largely due to its MPESA mobile money wallet. 

 It is important to note that :

  1. - The Maximum Account balance you can have in M- Pesa is KES. 300, 000.
  2. - The Maximum Daily Transaction Value is KES. 300,000.
  3. - Maximum Amount Per Transaction is KES. 150, 000.
  4. - The minimum Withdrawable amount from M-Pesa is KES. 50

Here are the current M-Pesa charges [Safaricom transaction chart]


Withdrawal Charges [Courtesy]


Transfer to Unregistered Users [Courtesy]

Customer Transfer to other M-PESA Users, Pochi La Biashara and Business Till To Customer

Transfer to registered users [Courtesy]

Transfer to other Networks

Transfer to other Networks [Courtesy]

Other M-Pesa Charges

Additional M-Pesa Charges [Courtesy]

One can be able to check the transaction costs available for each transaction by using the Cost Calculator available in my Safaricom Application

To use the Cost Calculator:
  • Select the M-Pesa Tab at the bottom of the app.
  • Select the Account option when the M-Pesa tab opens.
  • Select the Cost Calculator, which will be the top option.
  • Enter the amount you need to send and a multiple transaction will display for each Option such as sending to registered users, sending to unregistered users, withdrawal charges, ATM transactions charges among others. 

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