Kenya Ranks Third best in Mobile internet speeds - Daily Kenya

Kenya Ranks Third best in Mobile internet speeds

 In the latest speed test by and data provided by OOKLA, Kenya ranks third with the fastest speed in Africa. Safaricom Internet is the main reason why Kenya achieved this rank with the mobile telecommunications giant recording a download speed of 36.25Mb/s and an upload speed of 13.83 Mb/s.

Airtel Kenya which is the second preferred internet service in Kenya ranks ninth on the list with download speeds of up to 28.58Mb/s and download speeds of up to 8.44Mb/s which is better than Airtel Uganda’s internet speeds which ranks tenth on the list.

The list which ranks 21 mobile network operators from Africa shows that MTN South Africa offers the best internet speeds in Africa with download speeds of 65.95Mb/s and download speeds of 12.65Mb/s.

The list features Internet service providers such as Vodacom South Africa (which ranks second), Orange Botswana (fourth), MTN Uganda (fifth), Mascom Botswana(sixth), Airtel Nigeria(seventh), Orange DRC (eighth), MTN Nigeria (eleventh), Orange Guinea (12th), MTN Rwanda(13th), MTN Ivory Coast (14th), Orange Ivory Coast(15th), Vodacom Tanzania(16th), Airtel Rwanda(17th), Airtel Tanzania(18th), Airtel DRC (19th), Vodacom DRC (20th) and MTN Guinea which is the last on the list.

The full list below highlights the various Internet speeds mentioned above inclusive of the download speeds and upload speeds.


As different telecommunications and service providers are testing 5G internet, it will be interesting to see if the recorded speeds will improve and if we will see other service providers achieve new ranks. South Africa which ranks the best in Africa is yet to achieve the global mobile download speed of 77.7 Mbps.

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