KBC Receives Ksh 37m TV Equipment Boost from Multichoice - Daily Kenya

KBC Receives Ksh 37m TV Equipment Boost from Multichoice


MultiChoice Africa on Wednesday donated television equipment which is worth Ksh. 36.8 m to Kenya Broadcasting Corporation to help boost its television upgrade project.

The donations included video switchers, a high definition audio-visual recorder, routing matrix, playout servers, and a media asset management storage system among others.


KBC Acting Managing Director, Samuel Maina:

"In our quest to improve our picture and sound quality, KBC has in the recent past upgraded the video and audio formats to achieve an overall HD signal from content management to transmission. 
As part of the improvement process, KBC has been in partnership with Multichoice Kenya which has acquired modern broadcasting facilities to aid in the achievement of more efficient content and news management processes"


 Mr. Maina said the donation will help KBC in the automation of processes workflows, content storage, archiving of content in digital formats, automation of newsroom operations through advanced collaborations, media workflows, state of the art integration with A. I functionalities and will help to train KBC staff to get the most out of the media equipment.

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