Halal Pesa - Safaricom's New Shari’ah-compliant Mobile Loan Product - Daily Kenya

Halal Pesa - Safaricom's New Shari’ah-compliant Mobile Loan Product


The latest product to be unveiled by Safaricom is Halal Pesa which is a Shari'ah compliant loan financing option. The product was launched in partnership with telco Safaricom and the Gulf African Bank.

The product is aimed at giving customers a financing option that extends a 30 day repayment period with a 5% commodity Murabaha margin.

You can access the new service by downloading a mini-application under the "Grow" option on the new M-Pesa application or by dialing *334# in the Loans and Savings option.

Every customer will be provided with a personalized limit which is based on the M-Pesa Usage. The good news is that you can increase the limit based on the frequent use of Halal Pesa. 

Learn more about the application: https://bit.ly/3Ds9PPz

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